in Collaboration with PAF

Authorize access to a student record

University student record information, such as grades and classes completed, is recorded online in a dynamic profile that is continually updated. A student must grant permission for a parent or guest to access the details of, or to view bills and make payments by online billing payment methods

What can I access on my student’s record?

Parents/guests can receive access to their student’s: Enrollment summary, Grade Sheet, Billings, Test Results, Class Schedule, Exam Schedule. etc

How to authorize access?

Parents can authorize themselves by retrieving guardian password. For this Parents must know their student registration No.

Parents News

No latest news yet. Parents will be updated for any news of which they concern.

Campus News

All campus news will be updated so that parents can view what their students are going throw. You can like our social media network page to get latest updates about events and other participation as well.