A Study on Pygmalion Effect: A Case of Academic Training in a Military Unit


  • Yasir Mushtaq
  • Dr. Manzoor Khalidi


The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of leaders' expectations and behavior on subordinates' performance in order to validate the theory of Pygmalion effect in a training unit of Pakistan Air Force. For this research, questionnaires have been adopted from the study of (Hsu, et al., 2009). These questionnaires include three variables namely: Perceived Behavior of Leader (independent variable), Performance of Subordinate (dependent variable) and Self-Efficacy (mediating variable). The trainers of a PAF training unit are the leaders and the Junior Commissioned Officers (JCOs) trainees are the subordinates. The questionnaires of Perceived Behavior of Leader and Self-Efficacy have been filled by 150 subordinates while the questionnaire on their Performance has been filled by the leaders. The questionnaire has shown high internal consistency. The findings also provide support for the basic relationship proposed in the traditional Pygmalion model. Results have suggested that when the trainers have been supportive, collaborative, resourceful and encouraging then the trainees have shown high self-belief resulting in high performance. The results support the notion that leaders trigger the sense making of the subordinates which is required for better performance. The study has been conducted in a military environment; therefore, the results of this study may vary in an open environment like universities and colleges. The results are limited to JCOs only, however the same study can provide different perspective for PAF Officer or military personnel of sister services. The results can be helpful to the authorities in acting more precisely to increasing the performance of the trainees through Pygmalion effect. The study can provide a basis for future research in the field of military training. Keywords: Pygmalion Effect, Self Efficacy, Perceived Behavior of Leader, Junior Commissioned Officers, Pakistan Air Force.


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